Beyond the Resume: Unconventional Hiring Practices That Work

Unconventional Hiring Practices That Work

Finding and recruiting top talent may be a difficult endeavor in the cutthroat job market of today. While standard recruiting processes like evaluating applications and scheduling interviews are still crucial, more and more businesses are turning to non-traditional hiring practices to find the finest applicants.

Unconventional hiring practices include a wide range of non-standard methods that go beyond the regular resume review and interview procedure. These cutting-edge techniques include referral schemes, gamification, blind hiring, skills-based recruiting, and many others. By using these techniques, businesses may find and attract applicants with distinctive talents and viewpoints, enhance diversity, and boost employee retention.

It’s worthwhile to think about introducing some atypical recruiting tactics if you’re a recruiter or hiring manager wanting to improve your recruitment procedures. In this blog article, we’ll look at several effective unconventional hiring practices, talk about their advantages, and offer advice for businesses considering using them. You’ll have a greater knowledge of the reasons for the rise in popularity of unconventional hiring practices by the conclusion of this article, as well as how you can utilize them to enhance your recruitment efforts.

Examples of Unconventional Hiring Practices

Blind Hiring:

In order to avoid prejudice in the recruiting process, blind hiring is a recruitment approach that involves removing identifying information from resumes. This procedure entails selecting individuals exclusively on the basis of their qualifications, disregarding factors such as name, gender, and educational background. Using this strategy, businesses may increase diversity and draw in a larger pool of applicants. Blind hiring is particularly successful since it lessens the risk of gender prejudice in fields that are known to be dominated by men.

Skills-based Hiring:

Rather than emphasizing a candidate’s educational background or professional experience, skills-based recruiting is a cutting-edge recruitment strategy. Using this method, candidates are assessed based on their talents through exams, evaluations, and work examples. Employers may find people with distinctive abilities and viewpoints through skills-based hiring, which can help them stand out from the competition.


Gamification is a strategy that includes utilizing games and challenges to evaluate applicants’ capacities for cooperation and problem-solving. This unconventional hiring practice has grown in popularity in recent years because it gives job seekers a fun and interesting approach to demonstrate their skills. When used in fields like software development and engineering, which need highly developed analytical and problem-solving abilities from personnel, gamification is extremely beneficial.

Referral Programs:

Employees are encouraged to recommend applicants from their networks through referral schemes. This strategy has gained popularity since it enables businesses to access the networks of their employees and find applicants who might not be actively seeking employment. Because employees are more likely to remain with a firm if they have referred their friends or former coworkers, referral systems may also help to increase employee retention.

Skills-based Recruitment Events:

Events focusing on skills-based hiring are becoming increasingly prevalent, especially in the technology sector. Instead of relying exclusively on resumes and interviews, these events provide applicants the chance to demonstrate their talents and abilities in a real-world setting. Coding contests, hackathons, and other technical competitions are examples of skills-based recruiting events.

In short, unconventional hiring practices are becoming more and more common since they help businesses find applicants with distinctive viewpoints and talents. A few of the numerous cutting-edge recruiting strategies that businesses are utilizing to enhance their hiring procedures include blind hiring, skills-based hiring, gamification, referral programmes, and skills-based recruitment events. Companies may enhance diversity, boost employee retention, and find top talent by using these techniques.

Tips for Implementing Unconventional Hiring Practices


Using unconventional hiring practices can help you find top talent and increase workplace diversity. Here are some pointers to get you started if you’re thinking about using these practises:

  • Identify your goals:

Prior to employing unconventional hiring practices, it’s crucial to establish your objectives. Decide what particular abilities and traits you are seeking in applicants, and how these methods might assist you in achieving those objectives. For instance, if you want to increase diversity at work, you could find that referral schemes or blind hiring are good options to think about.

  • Choose the right practices:

There are a variety of unconventional hiring techniques available, and not all of them may be appropriate for your company. Choose the solutions that best meet your aims and the culture of your business after evaluating the available choices. It’s also crucial to think about the practicalities of putting each practice into action and to make sure that your team is prepared to do so.

  • Train your hiring team:

Your recruiting team must be on board for unconventional hiring practices to be effective. To make sure that they comprehend the advantages of each activity and how to carry them out successfully, provide training and tools. This covers instruction on performing blind recruiting screenings, grading skills assessments, and executing gamification tests.

  • Communicate with candidates:

It’s crucial to be open and transparent with applicants when using unconventional hiring practices. Be open and honest about the hiring process and the particular abilities and traits you’re searching for. Moreover, provide applicants comments and encouragement all along the process to make sure they feel appreciated and involved.

  • Measure success:

It’s crucial to monitor success in order to assess how well your unconventional hiring methods are working. Set KPIs to measure each practice’s effectiveness, such as the diversity of the candidates you employ, retention rates, or time to hire. To make sure your procedures are helping you achieve your goals, always assess and improve them.

You may effectively employ unconventional hiring practices and get top talent for your company by paying attention to these pointers.

The ROI of Unconventional Hiring Practices: How They Can Benefit Your Bottom Line


Using unconventional recruiting practices could be a smart investment for companies trying to find top talent and boost their profits. The long-term advantages of these techniques can outweigh any initial costs, though. This is a closer look at the return on investment (ROI) of unconventional hiring practices and how they might increase your bottom line:

  • Improved quality of hires:

You may find high performers who might not have the most appealing resumes by using unconventional hiring techniques like skills evaluations and work samples. You may lessen the possibility of making poor hires, which can cost your company time and money, by evaluating candidates according to their real talents and abilities.

  • Increased retention rates:

By selecting applicants who will fit well with your company culture and workplace, unconventional hiring practices can help increase retention rates. You can lower turnover rates and save money on employing new staff by selecting workers who are enthusiastic and dedicated to their profession.

  • Better diversity and inclusion:

Two examples of unconventional hiring practices that might increase inclusion and diversity in the workplace are blind hiring and referral programmes. You can build a more creative and effective workforce that more accurately represents your client base by minimizing bias and broadening the diversity of your recruits.

  • Increased productivity and innovation:

Your company may gain from greater productivity and creativity by recruiting top personnel and encouraging a diverse and inclusive environment. According to studies, businesses with diverse employees are more creative and can outperform their rivals.

  • Reduced hiring costs:

Your company may save hiring expenses by more effectively identifying top talent and lowering turnover rates. This may cover the price of posting job opportunities, attracting applicants, and onboarding new employees.


For companies seeking to find top talent, boost retention rates, and foster a more diverse and creative workplace, using unconventional hiring practises may be a game-changer. You can improve the hiring process to produce better employees, more productivity, and lower costs by putting techniques like skills evaluations, work samples, blind hiring, and referral programmes into place.

Although some upfront expenditure may be necessary for these procedures, the long-term advantages often exceed the disadvantages. You can build a more inclusive workplace that more accurately represents your consumer base by decreasing bias and broadening the diversity of your hiring. This may boost innovation and provide your business a competitive edge over other businesses in your sector.

Also, unconventional hiring practices like personality testing and gamification may help you evaluate applicants’ soft skills and cultural fit so that you can select the best individuals for your team. These procedures may lead to greater employee retention rates, lower turnover expenses, and a more enthusiastic and dedicated team.

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