Hire People for your project

Yunic HR Solutions offers you project-based hiring for your business that allows you to hire a temporary workforce to complete your project.

We Hire the Best For You!!

Explore Opportunities with Yunic HR Solutions

Why Project Based Recruitment?

Project-based hiring ensures you have enough workforce for your business to operate smoothly. There are certain projects that demand more workforce which cannot be fulfilled by traditional hiring and that’s where our on-demand hiring solution helps you in getting a quality and valuable team for your special project.

Save Money

Project based employment saves you a lot of money

On Demand Workforce

Yunic HR Solutions helps you in providing the workforce on-demand which ensures your business runs smoothly.

Meet Deadline

A Project based recruitment ensures that you meet your deadline on time.

Hassle-less Business

There no hassle when ti comes to project based hiring

Hire the best

choose us?

Our Process

We have a well defined and organized process. We have very strict quality standards that not only consider education but the overall skill set and value s/he can provide to your organization.

Our Team

We have an excellent team of individuals who provide their invaluable service to our company. They are not only experienced by sharp and sound with their skill.

Our Pricing

Many businesses focus majorly on the money but, Yunic HR solution is different, although we are driven by the money, we only charge for the value that we provide to our clients.

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