What is Rage Applying? The new workplace trend among employees

Rage Applying The new workplace trend among employees

Rage Applying is a new trend among employees in the modern workplace, where job applicants become frustrated with the job search process and take out their anger and disappointment on the hiring company. This can manifest in the form of angry emails, negative online reviews, or even threats of legal action.

The trend is becoming increasingly common as the job market becomes more competitive, and job seekers are met with a lack of communication and feedback during the application process. This behavior can have serious consequences for both the applicant and the employer, and it is important to address it.

Causes of Rage Applying

One of the main causes of Rage Applying is the frustration that job seekers feel with the job search process. The job market is highly competitive, and many applicants are met with rejection after rejection. This can lead to feelings of disappointment and helplessness, which can eventually boil over into anger.

Another major cause of Rage Applying is the lack of communication from employers during the job application process. Many applicants feel like they are left in the dark, not knowing if their application has been received or when to expect a response. This lack of communication can contribute to feelings of frustration and helplessness.

Finally, the lack of feedback during the application process is another major cause of Rage Applying. Many applicants feel like they are left in the dark about why they were not selected for a job, which can be frustrating and disheartening.

Consequences of Rage Applying

For the applicant, one of the main consequences of Rage Applying is a negative experience and damage to their personal brand. This can occur when an applicant’s angry or threatening behavior is perceived as unprofessional or aggressive by the employer. This can lead to rejection from the job opportunity, and the damage to the applicant’s personal brand can make it difficult for them to secure future employment opportunities.

For the employer, Rage Applying can lead to damage to the company’s brand and a decrease in engagement from potential employees. This can occur when an applicant’s angry or threatening behavior is directed at the employer or shared publicly through social media or online reviews. This can lead to negative publicity and damage to the employer’s reputation, which can make it difficult to attract top talent in the future.

Moreover, Rage Applying can also lead to legal consequences, as some applicants may resort to threatening legal action if they feel that they have been treated unfairly during the job application process. This can include allegations of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Employers may be forced to spend time and resources defending themselves in court, which can be costly and disruptive to their business operations.

Furthermore, employers may also receive negative feedback from other job applicants who may have heard about the Rage Applying incident and may not want to work with the company as a result. This can lead to a decrease in the number of job applicants and difficulties in recruiting employees in the future.

Overall, Rage Applying can have serious consequences for both the applicant and the employer, and it is important for both parties to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to avoid or mitigate them.

Solutions for addressing Rage Applying

There are several solutions that employers can implement to address Rage Applying and improve the job search process for applicants. One solution is to improve the job search process by making it more transparent and user-friendly. This can include providing clear instructions on how to apply, and setting realistic expectations for the application process.

Another solution is to provide feedback during the application process, so that applicants know where they stand and what they can do to improve their chances of getting the job. This can be done through automated email updates or by providing a point of contact for applicants to reach out to.

Finally, employers can improve the applicant experience by communicating with applicants throughout the process. This can include keeping them informed of their application status, and providing clear instructions on what to expect next.

How did this trend come about?

The trend of Rage Applying is believed to have originated from a TikTok video posted by a user named Redweez in December 2022. In the video, Redweez shared her experience of getting a significant salary raise of $25,000 after sending her resume to multiple jobs in a fit of anger and frustration with her current workplace.

The video quickly went viral and sparked a trend among job seekers, who began to adopt the tactic of Rage Applying\ as a way to secure better job opportunities. The trend is rooted in the frustration that job seekers often feel with the job search process, which can be time-consuming and disheartening.

Many job seekers feel that the traditional job search process is not working for them, and are looking for new and innovative ways to stand out from the competition. The “Rage Applying” trend is seen as a way to take control of the job search process and make a bold statement to potential employers.

The trend also reflects a growing dissatisfaction among job seekers with the lack of communication and feedback from employers during the application process. Many applicants feel like they are left in the dark, not knowing if their application has been received or when to expect a response. This lack of communication can contribute to feelings of frustration and helplessness.

The trend of Rage Applying may have started with one person’s viral video, but it has since spread and become a popular tactic among job seekers looking for a new approach to the job search process. It is a reflection of the current state of the job market and the challenges that job seekers face in securing employment.

It’s important to note that Rage Applying is not a guaranteed method of getting a job and it may not always lead to successful outcomes, but it has become a popular trend among job seekers as it is showing positive results for many people who have tried it. Employers may also have a negative perception of this trend and it could be seen as desperate or unprofessional.


In conclusion, Rage Applying is a growing trend among employees in the modern workplace, and it’s important for employers to take steps to address it. By improving the job search process, providing feedback during the application process, and communicating with applicants, employers can reduce the frustration and disappointment that leads to Rage Applying. It’s important for employers to take the necessary steps to improve the applicant experience, not only to avoid negative consequences but also to attract top talent.

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